Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

In keeping with tradition I spent Mother's Day being a mom.  This is only my second year having kids but I have to say I hope I spend every Mother's Day this way.  I spent the entire day with my sweet family just being together.  I love it!
To start off, I got to sleep in till 9 AM!  And that wasn't because Zack got up with the kids, although he would have.  They both slept in till 9, an unbelievable first!  I think it was their gift to me =)  Unfortunately, Moriah woke up with a fever.  She was crying hysterically and just wouldn't calm down.  We didn't have any infant tylenol or motrin (I can't believe it it!) so Zack had to make a run to the store.  While he was gone Moriah continued to cry.  For those of you who know her, you can personally attest that it doesn't take much to make her vomit.  She started getting really worked up and then threw up all over me.  So off to the tub she went and I gave her a bath and tried my best to calm her down.  Zack arrived with the meds and took over while I got a shower.  Her fever came right down, so off we went for a walk around a lake near by and for our annual Mother's Day picnic.  
I love picnics.  I love that I didn't have to do anything to get ready for this picnic.  Zack did the shopping for the supplies and got everything ready.  I got to just enjoy being with my family.  Moriah LOVED being outside and pointed out all the wild life to us.  Her favorite by far was the turtle we saw in the lake.  She is constantly asking about turtles now.  Zack showed her some on the internet so all she wants is to look at them on line all day.  It was sad to have to tell her she couldn't play on the play ground.  She didn't understand that since she was sick she couldn't slide or swing.  We left the park after our walk and picnic and the kids went down for a nap.
During nap time, Zack watched a chick flick with me.  It was really sweet.  We just had some time together.  We watched Australia.  It was a good movie over all.  It totally made me think of my Grandpa though.  He loves westerns, and while this isn't a western set in the 1800's I think he would approve.  Since Mo had a fever, we couldn't go to church.  I was really disappointed about that, because we are doing a really cool study right now called the Truth Project...more on that another day.  So, instead, Zack went out and got us Chili's to go and we had a nice dinner at home.  
All in all, my Mother's Day was great.  I love that we just spent it being together...I love my family.  Zack kept asking me what I wanted to do for the day and I just kept telling him, I want to spend the day enjoying being a mom.  I want to savor the day with my husband and my kids.  They are growing so fast.  So that is what we did, and it was fabulous.
 (I also got a really thoughtful Mother's Day gift.  A day to myself.  Hair cut, pedi, and mani while Zack keeps the babes...I think I just might cash it in right before our trip to FL.)

1 comment:

  1. Maybe its a good thing you couldn't go to the park and go down the slide :(
