Friday, December 12, 2008

'Tis the Season to be Busy

We are so busy the next couple weeks and then we are off to TN and FL for a Christmas road trip so I just wanted to take a moment to update.  

Moriah is successfully off the leaking sippy cup!  She now is attached to another kind and prefers not to drink from any other (especially milk) but at least it doesn't leak so she can have her new special cups.

She has been sleeping very well the last couple nights.  No more vomiting and very little coughing, yay!  Thank you Jesus!

We have picked a name for our son...well a first name at least.  I will post on it after Christmas but I am SO excited about our choice.  I have my glucose test and my first appointment at the birthing center next week.  I will try and blog about it before we leave for our trip but no promises.  He is a very active little boy and enjoys moving around in the night.  I am praying this isn't a sign that he will have his nights and days confused.  We are doing MAJOR rearranging in our home to make room for him.  After we get back from the holidays we will be doing the final preparations for his arrival and transitioning Moriah into a toddler bed.  YIKES!  Hard to believe he will grace us with his presence in just 3 months.  

Well, that sums it up for now.  We have a busy weekend full of holiday parties.  3 that we are going to (5 that were scheduled!).  We have had to gracefully decline some parties just for the fact that we are bogged down with things right now.  I don't want this holiday season being any more stressful than it has to be.  We are, after all, celebrating the birth of our Saviour, not trying to see how many white elephant games we can play at how many different parties, right?  We are trying as a family to keep perspective of what this time of year is REALLY about.  Jesus.  I will try and blog next week about my favorite holiday traditions, both old ones from childhood and new ones we started with Moriah.  I love Christmas!!!

I'm off to do some more cooking for our small group bible study party tonight.  Hope all of you have a great weekend!  

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