Saturday, October 4, 2008

Fall Cleaning!

Yay! So last night we received an e-mail of the air quality test results and the mold is out of the air in our home! Praise the Lord!! Today, with the help of some amazing friends, we got a good bit of the mold cleaning done. Basically, the mold spores that have settled on our furniture and belongings needed to be cleaned. This just means we had to do a deep clean of everything. Move furniture, vacuum EVERYTHING, clorox what we could and wash the rest. It has been an exhausting day. We even managed to steam clean the carpets. Tonight, I am happy to report that we are sleeping in our own beds. Poor Moriah was scared when we put her down for her nap. She didn't remember that this was her home.
We are still praying about moving off base. We found a great condo last night and are praying about if God would have us move there. It is bigger and in a good location, we just aren't sure if spending the money to move would be worth it, as much as we want to get out of this place. At least e are officially toxic mold free! Thank you for your prayers.

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